For the past twelve years I have been installing sculpture in a lot located at Van Horne and St. Urbain in Montreal. The site acts as Gallery for my more whimsical work and is always evolving and changing as new pieces are added and edited all the time. Many of the pieces are kinetic and move with the currents of the wind and the seasons.

Transforming this space from what it once was…. a flat and barren space littered with garbage and refuse…. into a public space that is used by many as a meeting place, a picnic ground or just a place for repose has been a great pleasure to me.

One of the greatest pleasures of working on the same site for years is the anticipation of the seasons changing. Thanks to all the rain so far this year the sculpture garden is beautiful, wild and overgrown.

Nikolai Tesla

+Public Works (not-owned)

This year I installed a Sculpture at Montreal’s Pine/Park Interchange. For some time the city has debated over how to best use that space and have not been able to arrive at a consensus, leaving the space blank.  With the help of some worthy cohorts I installed a Guerilla Sculpture at the site.

Unfortunately, within days the sculpture was stolen but I was glad to contribute to the dialogue my perspective that Public Art has a place in Public Space and that art can animate our environment.
For more about this check out:

originally posted  by sculpturegarden on November 29, 2008.







Stone Circle
Stone Circle
Stone Circle

A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral – Antoine de Saint-Euxpery

Montreal is a remarkable city, still full of potential for a modern artist to work with the natural materials and space that the city provides.

When a building burned down on Montreal’s St. Laurent Blvd. the fire left a huge hole in its wake. Like a painter before a blank canvas I immediately saw the potential in that arena of space. I spent a weekend, working in rain, to build stone sculptures composed of the bedrock of the building.

originally posted by sculpturegarden on November 29, 2008.



le voyage fantastique des macareux magiques








+Events (Past+Futur)

Escales Improbables – September 11, 12, 13th 2009
I will be on site live September 11, 12 and 13 during the free day activities to build a sculpture made out of steel of a majestic jurassic fish.Building Jurassic Fish. Photos by Chloé-Laëtitia Thomas
Floating Jurassic Fish. Photos by Anik Benoit
More about Les Escales Improbables and check out their site!

Meeting place for art without borders

“One should always be a little improbable.” – Oscar Wilde
For its sixth edition, Les Escales Improbable of Montreal offers a program that is richer than ever ! Once again, the Quays of the Old Port of Montreal will be the essential playground on which you are all invited to discover – at your rhythm and enjoyment – the artists of the 2009 edition. Do not be surprised if you are unable to find schedules. The Escales Improbables crew invites you to abandon yourself during a few hours to the pleasures of exploration and discovery. The EIM have prepared improbable encounters from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm where dance, sculpture, painting as well as multimedia performances are all intertwined. Our crew is there to guide you at all times! The team of the Escales Improbables wishes you a great trip by the river.

The 2009 EIM will also be holding a great, convivial gathering where music, dance and performance combine their know-how at Hangar 16 of the Old Port on Saturday, September 12. Improbable links and locales… Except for The Escales Improbables who invite you to meet and greet the artists and teams involved. A Soirée de Sentier where art goes off the beaten path !